Announcing: RPS Insight Adapt – Webinar Series

In the coming weeks, Reed Professional Services will be launching RPS Insight: Adapt, a series of webinars designed to help organisations effectively manage change resulting from the global lockdown.
The last few months have seen most of the world cope with previously unseen levels of change. These changes have affected not just the way we work, but also the way we live day-to-day, impacting our wellbeing, productivity, and the organisations we’re part of. While many initially hoped any changes resulting from COVID-19 might be short-lived, it’s clear now that it will have a lasting impact on both our work and home lives. Undoubtedly, change is the new normal.
The RPS Adapt Series of webinars, running for 12 weeks from the 18th of June, seeks to provide coping and thriving strategies and advice to help both individuals and organisations navigate the choppy, ever-changing waters ahead.
Each webinar will focus primarily on one of three core areas.
Preserving Wellbeing
Providing advice and information on caring for both mental and professional wellbeing. With lockdowns around the world likely to be scaled up and down over the next year, strategy for preserving wellbeing will need to adapt accordingly. The way we form and maintain relationships in the ‘Future of Work’ will change. How do we make sure we can nurture a culture of positive mindsets, honesty and integrity, and communicate effectively to support our teams and peers?
Distributed Working and applying Agile
Providing advice and tools for maintaining productivity while working remotely. How to adapt Agile methodology to new areas as we adjust to the future of work Finding ways to collaborate, care and share culture. How we can thrive in the new normal.
Essential Project Management tools and Methodologies
Essential Project Management tools and Methodologies. Providing flexible, adaptable tools and methodologies that allow managers to drive projects forwards at a time when so much is changeable. Providing solutions to help those working outside their normal roles so people can easily adapt and thrive.
The first webinar sessions are now open to registrations. Click here to view what’s coming up.
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