How to Make The Most of Engaging Consultants

Being able to engage properly with your consultants is very important to ensure project success. Organisations will often hire consultants like ourselves to bring a higher level of expertise to the team.
In order for us to collaborate effectively and efficiently it is vital we engage well with the team and have a clear understanding of what is required from us. If you want to know how to maintain good client relationships with your consultants and achieve project success collaboratively keep reading.
What are consultants?
Let’s start off with what a consultant is. A consultant is there to provide short-term assistance to businesses and help pinpoint actions that need improvement and development. Consultants aid in executing these improvements to support growth and success.
Typically, a consultant is hired by a company that needs external help with a project following a recognition that there is either a skill or capability gap in the existing organisation. Usually, this recognition comes from seeing a particular skillset being required to complete a project or programme of work. A consultant is a cost effective and quickly mobilised resource that can help you drive your business change.
Clarify the role
Clarity is key. Especially when you are outsourcing an expert who has never worked within your team before. Although consultants are professionals in their fields, it is important to explain key targets and project success indicators in order to get the most out of your consultant.
Set clear targets and goals, determine a precise project budget and establish clear priorities.
Ensure your project vision is clarified when hiring your consultant. Provide any additional documents and files that could help your temporary team member. This could be company values and mission statements, a written project brief and an introduction to the client they’re working for. Supplying any project-aiding materials will bring the best out of your consultant and enable them to see the bigger picture. Working in a work package model can be extremely beneficial here, as a consultant is hired to deliver specific deliverables, not just join as a member of your existing team.
Introduce your consultant to their team
Once hired, this is your next step. Having good working relationships with your colleagues is important regardless of how long you may be working together. Consultants will join your team on a project basis. Whether this is 2 weeks or 6 months, it’s crucial that good relationships are built, and mutual respect is established.
Additionally, consultants are there to add to the knowledge of your team and bring a level of expertise that is currently missing. Don’t mistake a project consultant for a project manager. These job roles are very different.
Take advantage of their industry tips and tricks. Understand that when you outsource a consultant, they want to see the project achieve success just as much as your internal team does. Most consultants add value to your existing teams by incorporating knowledge transfer into their work and also contribute to upskilling your team members. When engaging in a model such as via RPS, this additional value add is embedded into each work package we deliver with our consultants.
They are on your team because they have a passion for the work they do. Secondly, they are there to increase revenue and help in overcoming challenges your project may face. Hence the reason you hired them.
When you welcome a consultant to your team, ensure you don’t become dependent on them. Projects can be difficult to manage, and deadlines can be tight, so working collectively will help you achieve the best project outcome.
We have delivered over 1,600 successful projects and can confidently say that we have experts to suit all your business needs and requirements. Contact us today for more information on how our team of professionals can take your project to the next level.
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