The Productivity Puzzle

We shared the findings from our recent ‘Productivity Puzzle’ whitepaper during Innovation Week in partnership with Digi-Leaders.
In this session Managing partner Roger Gibbon, shared that over the last 18 months organisations have undertaken projects to improve cyber resilience, integrate business tools and increase productivity for their workforce, however 45% of those surveyed for our recent whitepaper highlighted that the projects exceeded the expected timelines and 1 in 3 exceeding the expected cost of the project. With 64% of organisations sharing that they believe projects are key to improving the productivity of their workforces, do they have the internal capabilities and skill needed to drive the business change needed to transform their workforce?
To watch the key findings of the report watch the video below.
At the heart of any transformation strategy is the drive to increase productivity and capability either internally for your teams or externally for your customers. This is always driven by your people, as large programmes of work, or small projects – each driving change and bringing new benefits to you. However as cited by the research, organisations are aware of the lack of internal skills, training and tools available for an organisation – and is seen to have a negative impact on the productivity its workforce. In today’s economic and political landscape, the journey an organisation must take to have a productive workforce that can drive true business transformational change can be overwhelming, but there’s no doubt that it’s worth finding ways to overcome those challenges, as a productive workforce is a successful one. To find out more about how Reed Professional Services can help you, or to request a copy of the whitepaper, fill out your details in the form below.
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